Life as Just a Spatial Animation of Energy

4 min readFeb 7, 2023

Science, in general, uses the process of trial and error on purpose to get results. It’s not enough to have an idea, or create a new equation, to say it’s science. Science is a set of homologated and moving things, including with a useful life span. But without new ideas there is no genius and this is a shortcut to science. We are going to talk here about a new idea.

Living systems can be described virtually by what science explains, that is, a grouping, chemical, physical, biological, social systems, etc. Science itself is already a component of biological systems.

Considering the descriptions given by physics and chemistry, living systems have a total energy accumulated in their macroscopic and microscopic components, either kinetic energy or potential energy. In fact, what is known is that there are only these two types of energy in nature.

The scientific treatment of energy is deeper in physics, but it is known that there is an analogy between what is explained by physics about energy and what is explained by other related sciences. In science it is always possible to make analogies, for example: the energy flow in an electric circuit can be used to explain the financial flow in an economy, or the flow of vehicles in a region.

🤔 Thus, making an analogy with the principle of conservation of energy, we ask where does the energy that moves life on our planet come from?

  • According to science, the Sun’s energy reaches us through the process of irradiation. Radiation that said also as one of the forms of heat transmission.
  • At the same time there is information that our solar system, following a model of explanation from cosmology, originated concomitantly with the formation of the sun as a star, or rather, the structure of the planets and other astronomical objects that orbit the Sun is the result of substrate of the material that formed the sun.
  • Finally, the Sun provided substance, energy and momentum for the formation of the solar system as a whole, either through the transfer of essential matter already with energies or, through providing light energy over the course of thousands of years.

What is certain is that the planet being distant from other sources of sidereal energy, the sun directly or indirectly acted on the surface of planet Earth “plowing” and sowing life, in the spontaneous form of trial and error until the formation of the first living being.

Physicists discovered that atoms were made up of a nucleus and an electrosphere. This was achieved by atomically bombarding a specific substance with atoms of another substance. Nowadays it is possible to explore the ends of the Universe by studying the behavior of subatomic particles in the laboratory. This somehow confirms that what we have locally came from the Universe and concomitantly from the Sun.

We know that everything depends on energy, even emptiness has relationships with energy. Even things that are the work of chance essentially depend on visiting minimal states of energy, as quantum physics preaches. Anyway, the energy states of a system can be variable, but there is always a defined instantaneous value even if we have to associate a probability value or even choose one.

A perception
We can suggest, as part of an idea, that there is an energy at stake in the sequence of biological preservation, so that the population processes of living beings are stages of transformation of this energy in which,

  • Specifically for human beings, resulting from an evolutionary process, being endowed with intelligence or reason, their pattern would have been “molded” by that energy itself. It is like water flowing through where there will be a river in the future.
  • Once primordial in the construction of our solar system, now it constitutes an “operator” acting in the form of a “hyperfine structure” to define the activities present in the solar system itself, which would contemplate the entire spectrum of biological activities on our planet, including human consciousness itself. This process would be like the work of chaotic and entropic chance.

💡We can even, by analogy, say that, given this continuum of energy present in our observable reality, life is a “chain reaction”. Note the following reasoning.

  • When a person A is born in the presence of an observer B;
  • Then, after this B’s death, A, still alive, witnessed B’s past;
  • B in turn, no longer existing, would have, still alive, witnessed the future of A.

That is, the birth of a new person as an event places the observer as a passenger traveling to the future time.

It is true that we are very attached to life, but it is good to realize that the simple fact of being alive and interacting with the environment already leaves a signature of our energetic “frequency” that will remain in this supposed interregnum between the future of those who are born and the past of who goes.




Written by YouPhysics

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